Kyomu - Emptiness

for voice, Tibetian bell and shakuhachi

Composition Details

Composition attributes:
Part Titles:
Kyomu - Emptiness, for voice, Tibetian bell and shakuhachi
Author of text:
starojaponský text - Hitori Mondo, mnich Hismatsu Fuyó, 1823
Premiere Place:
Praha, Atrium
Premiere Musicians:
Kristýna Valoušková - S a zvonec, autor - šakuhači, na konc. Vox clamantis
neveřejné prov. 23.01.2003, semestrální konc Spolku Yobi Take Prague pro studium shakuhachi, Praha, Inf.centrum CJS, Na Můstku 8 (info autor)


Instrument Abbreviation Number
voice Voc not specified